Prismatic Costume Ball. In the Grand Ball Room of the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, [New York], March 11th. 1921

  • Autor: Society of Independent Artists (Organización) - [John Sloan] (President)
    Año de publicación: 1921
    Editorial: Society of Independent Artists
    Edición: 1ª Edición
    Formato: Díptico de 16x23,5
    Encuadernación: -
    Lugar de publicación: [New York]

Prismatic Costume Ball. Under the auspices of the Society of Independent Artists In the Grand Ball Room of the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel [New York] March 11th. 1921 (Dance Programme): Zarrah and her Tribe in an Inca Harvest Dance. Native tones by Valderrama. Arranged and played by Will Spielter. Music by Nicholas Orlando and his Orchestra

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Prismatic Costume Ball. In the Grand Ball Room of the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, [New York], March 11th. 1921

Prismatic Costume Ball. In the Grand Ball Room of the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, [New York], March 11th. 1921